Latest News
Building Resilient Food Systems for Odisha’s Smallholders Through Convergence and Innovation
Ensuring quality seed supply of improved rice varieties for West Kenya smallholder farmers
ISARC annual rice varietal cafeteria features 36 promising new varieties for Uttar Pradesh farmers
Achievements of Indian rice research and IRRI partnership showcased at IRC 2023
IRRI scientist honored with Borlaug Field Award for her work on farmer engagement and empowerment
IRRI receives Google support to apply AI for climate resilient rice development
Training on modern breeding concepts and tools enhances capacity of AFACI member countries
IRRI researchers win Best Poster at the 27th FPSAP Scientific Conference
Speed Breed facility inauguration ceremony marks milestone at International Rice Research Institute
Seed Health Unit plays key role in shaping the future of seed testing at ISTA Annual Meeting
Scientists get new insights on management of paddy dwarfing disease
ZES conducts Training Course on Safe Operation and Proper Maintenance of Farm Machinery
IRRI South Asia Hub organized a series of events for Rice Breeding Networks
Research Support group concludes Strategy Formulation and Risk Management Workshop
Researchers and technicians complete Data Collection training
Government of Odisha and IRRI collaborate to speed up varietal promotion and replacement
IRRI Science Days highlight rice breeding strategies and framework to bring genetic gains to farmers
IRRI capacitates AfricaRice on Enterprise Breeding System adoption
IRRI relaunches its nematode program to address demands for direct seeded rice
Strategies for Native Trait Development discussed during the RBI Leadership Team Planning Meeting
Rice Breeding Innovations team learns about mechanized irrigation system for direct-seeded rice
Data Management Group conducts EBS Data Collection Tool Training for research technicians
One IRRI-NARES Rice Breeding Network launches in India to enhance genetic gains in South Asia
Nepal releases seven new and improved rice varieties to increase domestic rice production
Indian agricultural research institution partners learn more about speed breeding
Newly-identified rice varieties could deliver genetic gain and farm productivity in India
Rice researchers identified highly adapted advanced breeding lines for Bangladesh ecosystems
Bayer partners with IRRI to advance technologies for direct-seeded rice in Asia
Market-driven Varietal Testing and Positioning in Seed Chain
Arsenic-safe rice earns IRRI finalist status in global food systems challenge
IRRI Announcement: Rice Breeding Innovations Platform Organizational Changes
“Father of Hybrid Rice” Yuan Longping’s Legacy: An agricultural innovation that helps feed the world